Author Guidlines

PROTOS Journal Writing Guide.

Writing the STT Anderson Manado Journal has provisions that writers need to pay attention to and fulfill, these provisions include:

A. Journal Terms

The Journal Manuscript is the author's original work and has never been published or is being submitted to another magazine or journal.

  1. Manuscripts written for the PROTOS Journal are scientific in nature and are the result of field research or literature on Theology and Christian Education.
  2. The manuscripts contributed use standard Indonesian according to the refined Indonesian spelling regulations or the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI).
  3. Unpublished articles are not returned, except at the author's request.

B. Journal Format

  1. The manuscript is written with: a. Long. 4000-6,000 words using 1.15 spacing in the Microsoft Word program; b. Times New Roman font, size 12 pts, on A4 paper; c. Margins: top 3 cm, left 3 cm, right 2.5 cm, and bottom 2.5 cm.
  2. Manuscripts are entered into OJS (Open Journal System) PROTOS.
  3. Writing systematics: Title, Author's Name (without title), Abstraction (Indonesian and English), Keywords (Indonesian and English), Contents in Indonesian include Introduction, research methods, discussion, Conclusion and Bibliography.
  4. The Manuscript Title is in capital letters and placed on the left (Capitalized, Bold, left) with a font size of 14 Times New Roman and the Manuscript Title in English, Times New Roman, italic, 12 pt.
  5. Writer's name; a. Placed under the manuscript title. b. Writing names without academic degrees. c. Author's home institution. d. Email address.
  6. Abstraction: a. Written using Indonesian and English and no more than 250 words; b. Briefly explain the objectives, problems, methods, writing stages and conclusions; c. This is the essence/essence of the contents of the manuscript, briefly stating the research objectives, scope of the problem, methodology, findings and research results; d. It contains the keywords mentioned.
  7. Keywords (Keywords) English and Indonesian.
  8. The Introduction section contains the background of the problem, a review of previous research to show the latest, the purpose of the discussion, and the advantages of the article written (state of the art).
  9. The research methods section discusses the use of methods in the article, and the description of research variables according to the methods used.
  10. The results and discussion sections are the author's discussion of the findings that he wants to show in related articles from the research conducted.
  11. The conclusion section is written in a maximum of 3 paragraphs and contains: findings or contributions that the author wishes to convey, limitations in the research, and opportunities for other authors to conduct research related to the results of the research.
  12. References used at least or close to 80% are primary reference sources, such as: Proceedings journals, monographs, and unpublished research results.
  13. Sources listed in references use Turabian style (Turabian 8th edition), and are written using the Mendeley application.
  14. All articles are reviewed by (Reviewers) appointed by the Editor according to their field of expertise. Article authors are given the opportunity to make revisions according to the reviewer's or editor's input.