The Claim of the Bible Is the Word of God: A Theological and Historical Study


  • Ricky Ernst Tumbelaka Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Anderson Manado


Bible, Word of God, Theological and Historical


The Bible is the Word of God, has long been the subject of theological and historical study, although the truth as a historical source are often debated. On the one hand, the Bible is revered, but on the other hand, skepticism has arisen due to modern critical studies, archaeology, and historiography. The researcher used a qualitative research approach that focused on collecting data from various sources such as documents, literature, and interviews, with data from the Bible and other trusted sources. This article explores the Bible theologically and historically using evidence-based approaches from archaeology, historiography, and modern textual criticism. The study highlights the importance of understanding the historical and cultural context of biblical texts while addressing challenges to their validity and authority. The findings offer a comprehensive understanding of the Bible's authority, divinity, and relevance to the moral, spiritual, and intellectual foundations of humanity.


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How to Cite

Tumbelaka, R. E. (2025). The Claim of the Bible Is the Word of God: A Theological and Historical Study. Protos Journal of Theology and Christian Education, 1(1), 34–44. Retrieved from