The Challenges of the Church Today in Facing Remarriage for Divorced Christians


  • Yohanis Rompon STT Anderson Manado


Church Challenges, Remarriage, Christians, Divorce


Marriage created by God in the Garden of Eden is an important foundation for Christian family life, but today it faces complex challenges such as divorce and remarriage that have sparked debate among churches. Although there are many studies on the importance of marriage, there is still a lack of clear theological guidance to deal with the issue of remarriage after divorce, so the church needs a solid theological reference to remain in accordance with God's will. This study was conducted by seeking information from books and direct observation through interviews. This study aims to examine the issue of marriage and divorce from a theological perspective based on God's word, with a focus on finding a theological basis that can be a guideline for the church in dealing with remarriage after divorce, so that the decisions taken have a strong foundation and are in accordance with God's will.


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How to Cite

Rompon, Y. (2025). The Challenges of the Church Today in Facing Remarriage for Divorced Christians. Protos Journal of Theology and Christian Education, 1(1), 45–55. Retrieved from