The Rapture Of Believers Based On 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 To Answer To The Reformed Perspective On The Lord's Coming
Biblical Analysis, Rapture of Believers, Responding, ReformedAbstract
The coming of the Lord in the text of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 at the event of the rapture of believers is an eschatological doctrine in the Bible. From time to time we can find differences in understanding the doctrine of the coming of the Lord, thus triggering heated discussions and even leading to endless differences among Christians themselves, especially the differences in views between the “Pre-Tribulation” and the Reformed. This study aims to Biblically analyze the rapture of believers based on the text of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 to answer the Reformed perspective on the coming of the Lord. The research method used in this writing is a qualitative literature method based on the hermeneutic principle based on the Paul Enns method, namely; Literal, Grammatical, Historical and Contextual. The results of the exegetical analysis of the text of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 regarding the coming of the Lord at the event of the rapture of believers is an event that really happened in the sky, because this truth is based on the word of God (special revelation) taught by the apostle Paul to the Thessalonian congregation and all believers who are called the church of the Body of Christ.
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