Where Was Jesus At The Time Of His Death According To 1 Peter 3:18-20 To Answer Jesus' Teaching Of Preaching The Gospel To The Dead
Where is Jesus, To Answer, Evangelizing, Dead PeopleAbstract
In Christianity, knowing the Lord Jesus Christ and His work is an obligation undertaken by everyone who believes in Him as Lord and Savior. There are differences in understanding, especially in interpreting 1 Peter 3:18-20 in the context of Christ and His work. The research method used is the Qualitative Literature, referring to the principle of hermeneutics and based on the exegetical methodology Literal, Contextual, Grammatical, and Historical. This study aims to analyze biblically About Where Jesus Went At The Time Of His Death Based On 1 Peter 3:18-20 To Answer Perspectives Regarding Jesus' Teachings Preaching The Gospel To The Dead. 1 Peter 3:18-20 states that Jesus, through His suffering and death, demonstrated the sacrifice for human sin, was raised in the Spirit, and in that state proclaimed victory over death to the imprisoned spirits, affirming the resurrection as the center of victory and salvation for believers.
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